Telegram Channel

To JOIN Telegram Channel, kindly follow the 2 simple steps

1. Open an online FREE DEMAT Account through the following link

* Please ensure that our referral code NINNI is mentioned in the field “Introducer Code”

2. After the account is OPENED, Kindly email following details on with a subject line “Telegram”. The following details should be same as mentioned in step 1 i.e. while opening demat account.

(a) Your complete name

(b) Last 4 digit of mobile no

(c) City

(d) Telegram Username mentioned under the “Settings” option

* We will add you to the Telegram group within 5 days upon receipt of your email with complete details. Kindly do not send REMINDERS or Duplicate Requests. Anyone sending Reminders or submitting duplicate requests will not be added.

Important Points:

  1. Kindly open the account only through the link shared by us. If you open direct account i.e. our referral code NINNI is not mentioned in the Introducer Code field at the time of account opening then your request will not be entertained.
  2. If you stop/pause the account opening process then kindly resume the account opening process only through the link by clicking “resume application” option.
  3. Kindly complete the account opening process ONLINE only. If someone calls you from broker’s end and will help you to open the account then account will not be mapped to us and you will not be added.
  4. Your demat account should be in a ACTIVE state for membership. Inactive members will be REMOVED after 30 days.
  5. Before sending a request through EMAIL, please ensure that under Settings>>Privacy and Security>>Privacy>>Groups or Groups and Channels settings you have selected “Everybody“.
  6. For any dispute/technical issues, kindly contact the broker.
  7. We reserve the right to revoke or remove any member from the telegram group anytime at our own sole discretion.
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