Recently, an imp news article which went unnoticed was Election Commission’s guidelines on “To Link Aadhaar Card to Voter Id”. After Aadhaar is linked to LPG Connection, It is next important milestone. I do agree that there were glitches in online seeding of Aadhaar to LPG Connection. But we have to understand that projects of this scale and in the geographically vast country like India, it is very difficult to execute. Moreover, we cannot blame Govt for operational issues. The govt employees who were responsible for execution can be blamed. Though i was the 1st one to seed my Aadhaar with LPG but after waiting for one year, finally i submitted physical documents to the distributor :). No complaints, It was brave and honest attempt. This time it seems election commission has learned lessons from LPG experience. The process to Link Aadhaar Card to Voter Id aka Aadhaar Seeding 2.0 seems to be more robust and convenient.
This drive to Link Aadhaar Card to Voter Id is named as National Electoral Roll Purification and Authentication Programme (NERPAP). The basic objective is to remove bogus voters from the electoral roll, remove multiple records and make it error free. It will help election commission to collate biometric data of a voter from Aadhaar database. Lastly, another imp objective which i foresee is to Go Digital. This exercise to link aadhaar card to voter id will help to link Mobile No and Email of a voter with Voter id. In future, it will be easy to communicate with voter and no one know, in next election you may receive voter slip through Mobile. The last date to link aadhaar card to voter id is 31st July, 2015.
In India, Aadhaar is slowly becoming Social Security No of USA. I anticipate that in future voting will be compulsory for every citizen therefore it is necessary to carry out this kind of drive. May be after 4-5 years, you can also vote through mobile. Nothing is impossible and future is always bright. With this background, let’s discuss how to link aadhaar card to voter id online.
Link Aadhaar Card to Voter Id
This time user has multiple options to link aadhaar card to voter id. Broadly, it can be classified into following categories. You can select the mode to link aadhaar card to voter id as per your convenience.
1. Web
2. Mobile
3. Call Center
Through Web
It is very simple process which hardly takes 5 mins to complete. Let’s check out the steps to link aadhaar card to voter id. In this option, there are 2 types of seeding i.e. (i) Self Seeding and (ii) Portal Seeding
(i) Self Seeding
Step 1: Open following link
Web Link: http://electoralsearch.in/
Step 2: Please enter following details
– Name
– Age / DOB
– Father’s / Husband’s Name
– Gender
– State
– District Constituency
Click “Search” after entering all the details
Step 3: If all the details match with the record of the election commission, you will get details of your voter id in the search result.
Step 4: Against your Voter Id details, you will get option to “Feed Aadhaar No.”. Click on this link. Before you click “Feed Aadhaar No”, please ensure that pop up option of your web browser is enabled and is not blocked.
Step 5: A pop-up window will open. You can enter following details from Aadhaar Card
– Name in Aadhaar
– EPIC Number (It is your Voter Id Number)
– Aadhaar No.
– Mobile No. (Select owner of Mobile i.e.whose mobile no is this)
– Email Id
Click “Submit” after entering all the details.
Step 6: On Successful Submission, You will receive following message in same Pop up window.
“Your request for linking Aadhaar number with Electoral Roll database has been successfully registered.“
(ii) Portal Seeding:
This process to link aadhaar card to voter id seems to be a bit complex. Govt has set up EPIC Aadhaar seeding portal specific to state. I saw the portal of Andhra Pradesh. User is allowed to enter the Aadhaar number or provide the feedback against the Voter Id card number based on the field survey done by the BLO’s. Portal Seeding use following two techniques:
In-organic seeding: Inorganic Seeding can be done directly through the portal by matching the photograph and other details provided in voter id and Aadhaar by the user.
Organic seeding: In Organic Seeding, you can enter Aadhaar number similar to self seeding against your voter id and seed the aadhaar. You can also provide the feedback after verification of photograph and other details in Voter id and Aadhaar.
Through Mobile
You can link aadhaar card to voter id through mobile. 2 options available under this section i.e. SMS or through Mobile Apps.
Step 1: To link aadhaar card to voter id through SMS type,
ECILINK<space>EPIC_Number<space>Aadhaar Number
Step 2: Send this SMS to 166 or 51969
Please note that Standard SMS charges will apply
Mobile Apps: (Currently Available for Andhra Pradesh)
If you are a smartphone user then you can download an app on your mobile to link aadhaar card to voter id. You may check the website of Chief Election Commissioner of your state to check whether Mobile app is available for your state to link aadhaar card to voter id or not.
Through Call Center
3rd and last option to link aadhaar card to voter id is through the call center. You can call 1950 from your mobile/landline between 10 AM to 5 PM. I was able to call on this no through all mobile operators. The helpline executive will seek details like Aadhaar No and Voter Id to link aadhaar card to voter id. He will enter all the details in the system on your behalf.
Above mentioned 3 options are online i.e. you can link aadhaar card to voter id conveniently from your home or office. In case, you love outdoors or like to meet new people then you may opt for either of following options.
1. BLO (Booth Level Officer) of your area will collect details through door to door survey
2. Special camps will be organized by State Election Commission through Citizen Service Centres, e-Seva Centres, Polling Booths etc. You can visit these camps to link aadhaar card to voter id. You may check the local newspaper for an announcement of these camps.
How to Check Aadhaar is linked to Voter Id
Currently, i could not find any option to check whether Aadhaar is linked successfully to Voter Id or not. The only option is to follow Step 1 to Step 5 of Self Seeding through web. If the process to link aadhaar card to voter id is successfully completed then it will show that your Aadhaar is successfully linked to Voter Id. In case it is still under process, you will receive following message
“Your Request for associating Aadhaar number with Electoral Roll was already registered and is under Process”
Hope i covered all imp points in this post. You can post your queries or comments through the following comments section.
Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.
HI, I have never hear such information about linking Aadhar with Voter ID. Thanks for sharing. I like it.
I have got one SMS from DD-GJTPDS as
please submit your election card to your LPG distributor before 31st March’15 for continue your LPG subsidy otherwise your subsidy will not release after 1st April’15. also read in local news.
is it true ? or what is agenda of govt behind this.
You need to link your Aadhaar with both LPG Connection and Voter Id. These 2 are separate processes. Last date for seeding of Aadhaar with LPG Connection was 31st Mar, 2015 under PAHAL. Now you will get cylinder at market rate if Aadhaar seeding is not done and subsidy will not be transferred till Aadhaar is linked to both LPG Connection and Bank Account. Govt’s motive is to plug leakage of gas subsidy.
How much time it takes to link adhaar to voting id
Govt is yet to verify and link aahaar with voter id. Seems currently you can only submit request. Linking will be done afterwards post verification.
do we get a new voter card
No, Voter Id card will remain the same.
I have received confirmatory sms after seeding my EPIC number with AADHAR number on NVSP. Do I need to do anything more ?
I had linked with wrong voter id ,how to correct it.
Don’t worry. Your request will be automatically rejected as details will not match. You may submit fresh request with correct details.
WHAT if the option to feed adhar card number is not coming..?????
It is recently deactivated after the ruling of honorable supreme court of india that aadhaar is not mandatory.