Understanding Option Chain

Pest Control India – Redefining definition of AMC

Indian households are more prone to pest attacks. You may attribute the same to poor construction quality of house, unhygienic conditions inside or outside house or due to unfavorable climatic conditions. I was facing problem of cockroaches in my house and i decided to avail AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) of Pest Control India or PCI. Reason for selecting Pest Control India was that PCI is well known Pest Management Company in India.

Pest Control India charged me Rs 4000 for AMC. AMC contract included 3 free services during 12 months i.e. 1 service every 4 month & any follow up services for free, if problem persists. According to Wiki Answers, The Annual Maintenance Contract is the legal agreement to provide the maintenance service for 1 year. It also ensures a promise to provide maintenance services all through out the year.

My hope of Cockroach free home thrashed after 1st service, there was no reduction in Cockroach population. Cockroaches continue to increase in Geometric Progression. After 1 month, i called Pest Control India regarding same. I was told that it might be because of expired gel being used during the service. Pest Control India agreed for follow up service for free. Even after 2nd application of gel, situation didn’t improve.

Next time, I complained online on their website regarding same. I received call from PCI Regional Manager & he ensured me to provide thorough service. Third time, i was told to completely vacate my kitchen for white spray & white spray was applied in all corners. But it seems, either Cockroaches got used to Pest Control India gel & spray or the application was ineffective. There was no impact 3rd time also.

When i called Pest Control India helpline again, i was told that local franchisee will call me to fix appointment. I called helpline 4 times and i was assured that someone will call me to fix appointment. I got frustrated and i called Regional Manager. He told me clearly that as i have already availed 3 services under AMC therefore PCI cannot provide further services. I explained him that definition of AMC means providing service for 1 year & i was promised free follow up services if problem persists. In case of AMC, It is the responsibility of service provider to fix the problem. In my case, it was just 4th month and Pest Control India unilaterally terminated the contract. When i requested for refund as 2 services were follow up services after 1st service as the problem persisted even after 1st service. PCI executive told me to do whatever i want to do but neither they will provide the subsequent services nor will refund the balance amount of 2 pending services.

Alas !!! Sick mentality of Indian Company. Problem with Pest Control India is Franchisee model. In this mode of operation, it becomes impossible to control quality and gauge customer satisfaction index. As i mentioned in my other posts also that Indian companies are good in copying marketing concepts from MNC’s but use it as only Marketing gimmick. Reason “Phir Bhi Dil Hai Hindustani”.

Best Business for any organization is Repeat Business and it is short shortsightedness to get business 1st time and then leave the customer in lurch. In this era of networked world, it is difficult to suppress consumer voice.

I don’t have any issue, if Pest Control India market their annual 3 service package as Annual Service Contract but by calling it as Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) the meaning of service quality parameters change. Hope, someone will be able to explain the difference between Annual Service Contract & Annual Maintenance Contract to Pest Control India. I failed to explain :(

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Sukhjiv Sodhi
Sukhjiv Sodhi
7 years ago

Please advise which city did you face this problem..

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
7 years ago
Reply to  Sukhjiv Sodhi


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