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CIBIL Score and Credit Card Limit

Credit Card Limit
Credit Card Limit

Credit Card Limit is basically “Spending Limit” allowed on your credit card. Credit Card is riskiest business for any bank. The default rate is very high on credit cards as it is totally unsecured credit extended to customer. Now a days banks are extra cautious while issuing a credit card. A credit card is issued only after due diligence. Every credit card has different credit limit depending on risk profile of the customer. Credit card limit is decided based on income, current loan portfolio, expense pattern and overall risk assessment of customer by the bank. Banks pull out CIBIL report of a customer to check most of these point. If CIBIL sore is less than 750 or there is a default on payment in past then Credit Card application is not be approved. Basically CIBIL score is a credit report card of a customer i.e. how he manages his personal finance and credit discipline followed by the customer.

Credit Card Limit and CIBIL Score

When the credit card is issued, banks play safe and keep Credit Card Limit on lower side. Based on the usage of customer and payment history, banks keep revising Credit Card Limit at regular intervals normally 12-18 months. At macro level, higher credit limit shows that bank has high confidence on customer that he/she will not default on credit card payment. Credit Card Limit is good pointer how your CIBIL score is moving. If bank offer to increase your credit limit then you should grab the opportunity. It also implies that you are following good credit practices.

As a thumb rule, you should never use your credit card limit more than 30% of approved credit card limit. If current limit is not sufficient then you can always request bank to increase your credit card limit. It is not necessary that bank will oblige. As a back up plan, you may opt for 2nd credit card which will give slight cushion. Credit limit will not increase drastically until unless you are eligible for enhanced eligibility based on usage patter and credit history. An increase of 20%-30% is decent. It is always advisable not to keep more than 2 credit cards.

In normal scenario, financial advisors suggest not to increase credit card limit even if the bank offer to increase the same. Their main concern is that with increase in credit card limit, a customer will tend to spend more. I beg to differ on this point. My point is that Bank offer to increase Credit Card Limit only when they observe that customer is following good credit practices. It also imply that customer is using credit card responsibly and making all payments on time. As i mentioned that as and when bank offer to increase the credit then you should opt for it. At the time, increase in credit limit does not mean that you should stop following good credit practices. Obviously with increase in income level, credit card usage will increase. In order to maintain discipline you should never utilize more than 30% of available credit card limit.

As i highlighted that higher credit limit means high confidence of bank in your re-payment capability therefore high Credit Card Limit has positive impact on CIBIL Score. Normally Credit Card Limit is around 2.5 to 3 times of monthly gross salary. Assuming my monthly gross salary is 1 Lakh. My credit card limit should be between 2.5 lakh to 3 lakh. This cumulative limit is across credit cards in case i am carrying multiple credit cards. If i have 2 credit cards then my cumulative credit limit should be in this range. Credit Limit of more than 3 times monthly gross salary will have positive impact on your CIBIL Score. 

High Credit Card Limit will reduce my future Loan Eligibility

This is the biggest misconception that increased credit limit will eat into your Loan eligibility. Credit Card limit is somewhat similar to overdraft facility extended to the customer i.e. facility is extended, customer is availing or not is different. Credit Limit should not be misunderstood as Loan or Mortgage. Reason being, till you utilize this limit it will not be considered as Loan or credit. Therefore it is advisable to utilize only 30% credit card limit at any given point of time. A parallel can be drawn between Credit Card Limit and Home Loan Eligibility. In case of Home Loan, assume based on my eligibility bank fix my Home Loan eligibility as 1 Cr. I only opt for a Home Loan of 40 lakh. In this case my loan/credit liability is restricted to Home Loan availed i.e. 40 lakhs not 1 Cr (Home Loan Eligibility). Similarly in case of a Credit card, if my credit limit is 3 lakh and i only utilize 75k then my credit/loan liability is 75k which will eat into my total loan eligibility.

Holding Period of a Credit Card

Some people have habit of churning credit card as and when they receive new credit card offer. It is not advisable to churn credit card because holding period of a credit card i.e. from how long the customer is using particular credit card also impact Credit Limit thus CIBIL Score. It require atleast couple of years time to understand the credit behavior of a customer. Normal credit cycle is of 1 year because credit usage vary from month to month. My credit card usage is high during the month of April as i pay all my annual insurance premiums during April. Similarly usage can be drastically low during September and February. In order to discount all these seasonal variations, credit cycle of atleast 2-3 years is considered to understand credit behavior. Besides credit cycle, longer holding period of credit card shows stable credit behavior of a customer. Holding Period directly impact CIBIL Score therefore if you are using same credit card from last 5 years then there is high probability of better CIBIL Score.

To summarize, Credit Card if used judiciously and intelligently can help to improve CIBIL Score in long run. Some people have misconception that since they don’t use Credit Card therefore they should have high CIBIL Score. My answer is CIBIL score is a derivative of Credit history. If you don’t have any credit history then how financial institutions will check your Credit history. Only a good credit history can help to build good CIBIL Score of more than 750 in long run. Credit Card is one of the easiest and convenient way to improve CIBIL Score & you should not miss this opportunity.

Hope you liked the post and remember that good CIBIL score is result of good credit practices. It cannot be improved overnight. Beware of agencies or companies which promise overnight improvement in CIBIL Score through fraudulent ways.

If you wish to avail my services to improve your CIBIL Score, Click Here to post your request.

Copyright © Nitin Bhatia. All Rights Reserved.

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9 years ago


If a cheque is bounced due to insufficient funds,then does it impact CIBIL score??

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
9 years ago
Reply to  PK

If you missed any EMI or Credit Card payment because cheque bounced then it will be reported in CIBIL. If bounced cheque was issued for any savings / current / savings scheme account like PPF etc or for investment purpose like MF etc then such cases are not reported in CIBIL.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks for the clarification…..

8 years ago

Hello Sir,

My credit card limit is 1.5 Lakhs while my Gross is 1.4 monthly. My Cibil Score from the official website is at 763. The Bank says it is becoz of the CIBIL score that the balance is less. Can you let me know what could be the reason for my low credit limit.


Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Partha

I can comment only after going through your CIBIL report.

8 years ago

Hello Sir,

I have bought a real estate property which is still under construction. The last demand invoice from the builder was paid directly by me (did not ask the bank to disburse the amount). However, for some miscommunication, the cheque bounced because of insufficient funds. The builder was fine, and I have issued a new cheque. I want to know if this incident will have an impact on my CIBIL score. If so, is there any way I can correct it? Thank you!


Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Vinay

It will not impact your CIBIL score.

febin raju
febin raju
8 years ago

I have a credit card of 1.75 lakh limit since December 2014 and it was upgraded from June 2015 and I have completed One year now. I wish to get my card enhancement to 5 Lakh. I have never made a late payment. I got this card as I was using a card of another bank with 1 Lakh Limit. Since I have completed one year and never made a delay payment, and i am a very heavy spender. I am a self employed person. What is the ITR required for getting 5 Lakh limit? I have a CIBIL score of more than 750 points.

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  febin raju

The credit card limit is decided by the bank. As and when you will be eligible for credit limit enhancement, bank will inform you. Still you can check with them, if your credit card limit can be increased or not based on current usage.

Ashadul Haque
Ashadul Haque
8 years ago

I have a credit card with credit limit of 3.5 times of my monthly gross income and I ended up spending more than 30% of its limit on a monthly. I am sure it will have impact on my CIBIL score?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashadul Haque

Yes…Try to limit monthly usage to 30% of credit limit.

Ashadul Haque
Ashadul Haque
8 years ago
Reply to  Nitin Bhatia

Thanks. Should I ask the bank to reduce my credit limit to 3/2 times of my gross income?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Ashadul Haque

I could not understand why you want to reduce credit limit. It will further reduce your spending power through credit card.

Vijay Talluri
Vijay Talluri
8 years ago

does overlimit fee for Creditcard will affect on cibil score?

Nitin Bhatia
Nitin Bhatia
8 years ago
Reply to  Vijay Talluri

over limit fee will not affect but over limit does impact CIBIL score negatively.

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